A Word On Spices

Spice CabinetThis is a picture of my spice cabinet. It’s a little freaky the first time a person sees it. It’s taken me a while to amass, a while to find the right system for organization, and frankly it’s taken me a while to give in to and get used to the fact that my spices take up an entire cabinet in my kitchen. But I wouldn’t give it up now for anything. It especially important that this cabinet is well stocked living in the country as I do.

As you look at the spices you’ll notice a few red caps that are pretty obviously Mc Cormick, there is a spice islands bottle in there that I see, but mostly you’ll see pretty plain looking bottles or plastic bags. Those are from Penzey’s Spices. Penzey’s is an amazing place with high quality spices. If you are luck enough to live near one, you really owe it to yourself to take a trip there. If you can’t make it to one follow the link above, place a small order for, Pasta Sprinkle, Ceylon Cinnamon, French Thyme, and your favorite spice, and see if it doesn’t change your thoughts on what quality spices can do.

As for me, as you follow my recipes, if I call for a spice blend, it will be from Penzey’s and I’ll try to remember a link.

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