Instant Oatmeal Mix

Fall is starting to come to our area and the tastes, smells, and textures coming out of my kitchen are starting to change with the season. In that spirit I present a family favorite of ours that that adds a little bit of health to the convenience of instant oatmeal. Another plus is that you can adjust the amount you make in the morning to suit your own tastes. It’s a bit of an upfront cost for the ingredients for this recipe but it stores well and will provide breakfast for a good long while.


18 oz quick oats
Enough Powdered milk to make 2 quarts
1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Cinnamon


Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container

To Prepare:

Shake up your mix then add 3/4 cup to a bowl
Add very hot water to just cover mix.
Let stand for 2-3 minutes


Feel free to play with this basic mix. Add more sugar if you like your oatmeal sweeter, more milk if you like it richer, more or less water if you like it thicker or thinner.
Dried fruit and nuts make a great addition but they are best put in as you prepare the oatmeal. Putting it in and then letting it sit in the dry mix tends to dry the fruit out even more and leaves it a little tough.
Our favorite mix is golden rasins, crasins, and dried currants.
For added convenience, a Keurig style coffee maker makes hot enough water. Use the small cup setting and have another cup ready to catch the extra water.

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