The Splendid Table’s Carrot Ginger Soup

WP_20151117_12_19_50_ProNot all good recipes come out of my head, this is one of them:

The Splendid Table’s Carrot Ginger Soup

We have really good carrots that come from Colorado to our little grocery store in the middle of rural Nebraska. They are as close to homegrown as anything I’ve ever bought. They taste wonderful and what’s more they are large. A 2 pound bag has about 10-12 carrots in it. Which is good since you have to peel them and the 4 cups of carrots this recipe calls for is a 2 pound bag, and also since you’ll want to make a double batch and freeze half.


I have found it takes more like 30-40 minutes for the carrots to get tender enough for blending.

We like to garnish this soup with pumpkin seeds. Sunflower seeds will do in a pinch.

We had this with corned beef, gouda, and yellow mustard on whole wheat paninis. They went well together.

If you don’t have an immersion blender and you can afford one- get one! They make quick work of this sort of soup.

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