Up Your Indian Part 1- Naan

We love Indian food in this house. What’s been nice over the last couple ofWP_20151204_12_27_05_Pro.jpg years is there have been some really good jarred and canned sauces and sides that have come on the market. Target’s Archer Farms, Patak’s, HyVee, Store Brand, and Jyoti to name a few. This has changed having Indian from a once in a while when we had a few hours to cook from scratch thing to a quick weeknight meal for the family.

What you can’t find in stores is good Naan. Because of that, I’ve developed the following recipe for Naan. With a little practice you can make this Naan, a main dish from a jar, and a side dish in just over an hour.


1 cup Milk- warmed
2 Tbsp Sugar
1 Tbsp Yeast
1tsp salt
1 1/2  cups White Bread Flour
1 cup Wheat Flour
4 Tbsp Butter Melted


Mix milk sugar and yeast and let it proof
Combine all ingredients
Knead well and let rise
Punch down and knead a little
Divide into 8 pieces, and roll out thin. About 8-10 inch round.
Cook on 400F griddle.
Rub hot side of naan with butter immediately after flipping, and then again after taking it off the griddle.
Stack up the naan and cover with a towel as you cook them.


How do you know when to flip? It takes about as long to cook on one side as it takes to roll out the next Naan.

A pastry frame is very helpful in keeping the Naan from sticking to the counter. They are available here:
http://www.amazon.com/Norpro-Pastry-Frame-Rolling-Cover/dp/B0018OXLBM  All you scandanavians out there probably already have one of these for making lefse. Get it out and use it more!

How to get it done in an hour:
Mix up the dough and leave it to rise
Sweat an onion and brown your meat, add sauce cover and set heat to simmer
Start rice (we have a rice cooker stove top rice might need to be started sooner or later in the process)
Turn on your griddle and begin making your Naan
When the Naan is done, heat your side dish in the microwave.
Serve it all.

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