Up Your Indian Part 2- Aromatic Rice

In Harrisburg, PA there is a wonderful Indian restaurant named Passage to India. If you ever find yourself in the area find it and ask for a seat by the window to enjoy a grand view of the Susquehanna River while you eat. While you are there you will also be treated to some amazing basmati rice that is delicately spiced with a mixture of lots of different spices. I’m still missing a little something but the recipe below will give you a close approximation. It will definitely up your Indian.


Charnuska- 1/2 tsp
Cloves- 5 whole
Cardamom Seeds (Seeds NOT Pods) 1/4 tsp crushed
Coriander Seeds- 1/2 tsp crushed
3 inch cinnamon stick Whole
Saffron- small pinch
Bay Leaves 1-2


Stir all these spices into your basmati rice and water before the water gets hot. Cover and cook your rice as usual.



These spices provide more of an aromatic undernote to your food rather than upfront taste. Many of them are already present in Indian recipes to begin with so they simply add complementary flavors. In short- don’t worry about all these spices messing things up.

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