Universal Breakfast Topping

This recipe was inspired by the apples that are often served at rib joints but I like these a whole lot more, it’s probably the butter. As the name implies you can put it on just about anything: pancakes, waffles, sausages, or crepes as the picture shows here. We’ve even cut the apples as wedges … More Universal Breakfast Topping

Instant Oatmeal Mix

Fall is starting to come to our area and the tastes, smells, and textures coming out of my kitchen are starting to change with the season. In that spirit I present a family favorite of ours that that adds a little bit of health to the convenience of instant oatmeal. Another plus is that you … More Instant Oatmeal Mix


This recipe is being posted by popular demand. It’s for whole wheat pancakes that don’t taste like cardboard but will stick with you til lunch. I’ve been ordering pancakes when I go out to eat to try to find better ones and I just can’t find them. … More Pancakes