A Word On Spices

This is a picture of my spice cabinet. It’s a little freaky the first time a person sees it. It’s taken me a while to amass, a while to find the right system for organization, and frankly it’s taken me a while to give in to and get used to the fact that my spices … More A Word On Spices


This recipe is being posted by popular demand. It’s for whole wheat pancakes that don’t taste like cardboard but will stick with you til lunch. I’ve been ordering pancakes when I go out to eat to try to find better ones and I just can’t find them. … More Pancakes

Taco Meat

I worked up this recipe while trying to get away from the preservatives, MSG, and large amount of salt in commercial seasoning packets. I succeeded. In fact, I surpassed the goal. You’re only 15 minutes away from delicious tacos. … More Taco Meat

Egg Drop Ramen

Ingredients: 4 Cups water Chicken Base to make 1 qt 1/2 tsp Ginger- Powdered 1/2 tsp Mustard- Powdered 1 Med-Lg Carrot 2tsp rice wine vinegar Two Packets of Ramen Noodles- Seasonings thrown out 2-4 eggs Directions: Put water on to boil While still cool add soup base, ginger, mustard, and vinegar While water is heating, … More Egg Drop Ramen